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One on One


Fix Your Period Program


What they're saying...

I got my period back! By focusing on my gut health and addressing iron overload I was able to get my hormones balanced and get my period back after not having it for over a year!

I am loving my body more and I now appreciate all that it can do and how it can heal through foods!

I can eat dairy again! After using good foods to heal my gut I was able to introduce dairy again and I stopped having uncomfortable symptoms such as stomach aches and gas after eating!


I’ve been working with Meg for six months and highly recommend her to those who are desperate for healing and willing to take the proper steps to get there. It’s evident that Meg is extremely passionate about her craft and she’s been blessing to me during this unexpected journey.

As I peeled back the layers of chronic health issues, I realized my situation was incredibly complex despite living a very healthy lifestyle. Parsing through information on the internet is overwhelming and often misleading, and it left me feeling more lost than ever. Meg helped to make sense of the mountain of available nutritional information, cut through the clutter, and apply real solutions to heal symptomatic problems.​

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